Saturday, July 11, 2009

Dear God

Dear God,

Thanks for finding our blog and taking this opportunity to read about your work in our lives. Between August 6th-10th, 6 members from Zoe Community Church will embark/continue on a mission trip to spread the love of Christ to the people of Nicaragua. What might start as a mission trip, we hope will lead us to develop a partnership for what is deeper than mere need-based exchange of resources.

Despite their poor socio-economic status, Nicaraguans rely on your faith and hope for providing everyday resources that we Westerners take for granted. We are blessed with resources such as drinkable water that it is unthinkable for us to go a day without. Matter of fact, we are privileged with so much resources and options that in our initial reaction to the slightest conflict, we turn to our alternatives without listening to what you might have to say.

We are deeply encouraged by Nicaragua's faith-lead life and inspired to do the same in our land of plenty. In the short span of 2 weeks, we hope to build a spiritual partnership with Nicaraguans to build a Christ centered community.

Christ centered MO

Our MO for the trip is simple. It is based on the foundational prayer of OT faith, the Shema:

"Hear, O Israel: the Lord is our God, the Lord is One."

1. "Hear" Our highest priority is to listen to God.
2. "Lord is God" As we hear, we will obey.
3. "Lord is One" Our unity in Him is the most precious asset.

Thanks for reading and we hope to hear what you have to say to us.

Yours truly,
David, Sarah, Kyle, Danielle, Susie, Ji and ZOE!

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